Remove All Those Unwanted Hair In The Intimate Area With The Help of These One Ingredient!

Many people prefer to remove all those unwanted hair in their private area for some reasons. Some are doing it for their hygiene while others wanted to have a more appealing part when somebody sees their newly bought bikini
The removal of the unwanted hair in that area is different from removing hair in the legs and underarms. The skin on the private part is more delicate so there is a need to be careful with it.
Now, here is a recipe that will help you get rid of the unwanted hair.
200ml of water
1 tablespoon of baking soda
Get the pan and pour some clean water. Boil the water and remove the pan from the stove. Now, add the baking soda.
Dip a cotton swab and use a bandage to secure the swab in the part that you wanted to have the hair removed. Leave the solution overnight. Then rinse it off with warm water.