Anti-bacterial Agent Triclosan may Not be Environment-friendly

Triclosan is a well-known ingredient in familiar household products and is known to fight bacteria. Triclosan seems to be everywhere. When we wash our hands, brush our teeth, or do our laundry, we are likely putting triclosan into our water sources.
Triclosan is in antibacterial soaps, detergents, carpets, paints, toys, and toothpaste. These products can feel comforting to germ-wary consumers. However, these products are only slightly better at removing bacteria than regular soap and water. And in antibacterial soaps, triclosan may not add any benefit to removing bacteria compared to regular soap and water.
‘Triclosan kills both good and bad bacteria and makes medically necessary antibiotics become less effective. Also, breakdown products of triclosan disrupts hormone action.’
The problem with triclosan is that it kills both good and bad bacteria. Studies also show that it contributes to medically necessary antibiotics becoming less effective. Triclosan is also toxic to algae and disrupts hormones in animals. This can hamper normal animal development. The FDA is currently investigating its impact on humans. Read Full Story