Sleep Disorder – Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment


Sleeping disorder

How many times have you stayed awake in the dead of the night counting sheep? If it is fairly often then you could be suffering from a sleep disorder!
Sleep disorders (somnipathy) are a range of problems that disrupt regular sleep.

thinking in bed

Now days many people are suffering from this disorder from teenagers to old age. Sleep disorders cause more than just sleepiness. The lack of quality sleep can have a negative impact on your energy, emotional balance, and health.Most people occasionally experience sleeping problems due to stress, hectic schedules, and other outside influences.

Sleep Disorder – Types

Young woman, tired of studying, sleeping over books

Lack of sleep – Insomnia

Excessive sleep – Narcolepsy

Disrupted sleep

Sleep apnea, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
REM sleep behavior disorder
Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD)

Sleep Disorders – Symptoms General


Lack of sleep or sleeplessness


Loud snoring

Intermittent gasping / choking during sleep

Stoppage of breathing during sleep

Sleep Disorders – Causes


  • Aging
  • Shift work sleeping problems Shift work sleep disorder occurs when your work schedule and your biological clock are out of sync. In our 24-hour society, many workers have to work night shifts, early morning shifts, or rotating shifts
  • Mental / Physical illness
  • Delayed sleep phase
  • People with delayed sleep phase disorder are unable to get to sleep earlier than 2 to 6 a.m. no matter how hard they try. They struggle to go to sleep and get up at socially acceptable times.
  • lost sleep during travel
  • lot of stress and anxiety often have a negative impact on sleep quality. It can be difficult for you to fall asleep or to stay asleep. Nightmares, sleep talking, or sleepwalking may also disrupt your sleep.
  • Genetics
  •  Stress
  • Medications (eg. anti-depressants)
  • drink too much alcohol or caffeine
  • Constant pain can make it difficult to fall asleep. It might even wake you up after you fall asleep.
  • Blindness

Sleep Disorders – Diagnosis

Self diagnosis by paying attention to daily routine


  • Maintaining a sleep diary
  • Doctor consultation
  • Physical exam
  • Sleep study
  • Polysomnogram

Sleep Disorders – Treatment


Sleep disorders can interfere with normal life and therefore must be treated
Treatment includes lifestyle changes, devices and medications Lifestyle changes suggested –

  • Quit smoking/alcohol
  • Regular exercising to reduce weight


  • Keep a regular sleep schedule going to sleep and getting up at the same time each day, including the weekends.
  • Set aside enough time for sleep. Most people need at least seven to eight hours each night in order to feel good and be productive.
  • Make sure your bedroom is dark, cool, and quiet.
  • Cover electrical displays or gadgets
  • use heavy curtains or shades to block light from windows, or try a sleep mask to shield your eyes.
  • Turn off your TV, smartphone, iPad, and computer a few hours before your bedtime. The type of light these screens emit can stimulate your brain
  • If you have back pain or neck pain problem use clumsy pillows
  • Nix Naps You’ll rest better at night. But if you have to snooze while the sun’s up, keep it to 20 minutes or less. Nap in the early part of the day.
  • Sleep on the side and not on the back
  • Use of nasal sprays and allergy medicines

OSA is dangerous and needs serious therapy.

  • Mouth piece or oral appliances
  •  Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)machine to blow air into throat
  • Surgery (for serious cases) to widen breathing passage
  • Mouth piece or oral appliances
  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)machine to blow air into throat
  • Surgery (for serious cases) to widen breathing passage


Sleeping Disorders Sweet Dreams – Sleep Well!

Latest Publication and Research on Sleep Disorder

Written By:

DEEPTIDeepti Rawat 

Trainee Medical Coder, Delhi