Pharmacist Want To "Drx" Prefix Before Name


57 percent pharmacist using Drx prefix on Facebook profile before his/her name

According to social media survey, 64-68 percent youth pharmacist want to Drx prefix

Nowadays pharmacist name prefix is trending on the social network. After completion pharmacy degree senior friends and colleagues suggest using Drx prefix before his/her name.

According to a survey of pharmapathway team it observed that 64-68 percent youth pharmacist want to “Drx” prefix remaining pharmacist in favour of  Rph and Rx prefix.

There is no Official Specific Title or Prefix alloted or Approved Yet By Pharmacy Council of India to be used by Registered Pharmacists after then 57 percent pharmacist using Drx prefix of his/her facebook account.


DRx And RPh are abbreviations

The DRx full form is DRug eXpert .

RPh Stands for Registered Pharmacist.

Rohit Gupta who handling “Pharmacist ki Awaaz” post on his Facebook page


The use of these increased after pharmacy Practice act 2015 was notified and state like Madhya Pradesh allowed clinical Pharmacy practice.

However, the survey reveals that pharmacist wants to prefix before the name.

For Participation in survey go to bottom of website and vote ……share with pharmacist friends.

Should “Drx” prefix to pharmacist officially approved by Pharmacy Council of India